Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lori's Weekly Challenge #12 at Love Is In the Details

This weeks challenge was to pick a layout
from the gallery and scraplift it.
This is my scraplift. I chose a layout
by tutusandfrogs ... it's a adorable layout.
I didn't put a title on this one, not sure
if it needs it and nothing catchy comes to mind
for it.


Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

U R rawkin those great old photos!
wtg Cindy!!!

Amber said...

I don't think it needs a title, it is perfect!!!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

So cute, Cindy! Love the colours.

Trish a.k.a stampi said...

Great layout Cindy it doen't need a title if you don't want a title and if you do later you have room to put one so how perfect is that...the pictures are adorable.

Anonymous said...

So cute
The only title I could think of would take too much room, but here it is, just for the fun of it: - "Hair Raising Experience"

Tee Hee